Okay I am back for another new post of Illingworth Productions peeps, exciting new news below and some dissapointin news...
Well during the last few weeks I have been getting into a lot of work, I am currently doing 4 projects and I have finished one of them ^^...
I have joined the 'Sonic Shorts Collab 4' by The Wax and I have compleated the part and if you wish to view it follow the link below...
Also I have finished my 'Madness Incendation' part is finished so we are ready to post it soon, just remember to add me to your budd list, and if you wanna view it follow this link...
And also I have made my own menu and Biograph so I am doing good making more flash shit, its the Biograph for Madness Orention 2 which features all the new desings for my characters. If you wanna view it follow the link, also I have amde everythign else but I dont wanna show you them yet...
Okay bad news I dont have any time to finish it in time so its been cancelled =(
But dont worry I am making a new one which will be something new to me but it will be done in time people and its called 'Madness The Seeker', so be pacient for Madness Day people.
I am done with my part and we are no longer letting anyone in, we are waiting for one more part and then I will release it, add me to your budd list and send me your parts through my email...
My To Do List...
Madness Orention 2 opener = 8% done
Madness Incendation part = 100% done
Sonic Shorts Collab 4 Part = 100% done
Madness The Seeker = 5% done
Thats all for now peeps, here is a screen shot for my Sonic Shorts Collab part...
yeah thanks x3