Okay I guess Incendation 2 is back on track Smotez and Spaderz have made up I think but I want to start doing this collab now, there is still no release date yet I am thinking near christmas time or sommet but please read below...
FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations
Collab Partners
3:The destructor
5:Gabriel Barsch
People where thinking about joining
And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez
And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is
No screenie yet and again I am finnaly making a Sprite project I am gettitng tired of always doing Madness and its getting old, I will still do Madness in the future but I am just working on Incendation2 for now. This new Sprite animation is going to be like a comedy hopefully and its going to have a cast of all the people from a forum named 'Killy Killy HQ' this is were I 1st started on forums and big sites , and I have been meaning to do them a animation for AGES and I have been planning a sprite movie since 2004 and now I think I got the idea.
But hopefully I will get it sorted out and thats all please join Incendation 2 and shizzle laterz...
Also a pic of me, 2 girls (me mates), 3 storm troopers and Darth Vader XD
cooools, can't wait for Incendation 2
cheers man :D