Okay its been awhile since we have been talking about Incendation, and to be honest that I havn't worked on any animations I just been working on different things at the moment. But I want to get this animation done for around Christmas time so come on everyone lets gwt this done as soon as we can...
FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations
Collab Partners
3:The destructor
5:Gabriel Barsch
People where thinking about joining
No one at the moment
And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez
And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is
Again no new screen shots of anything, and lately I have lost all Madness Spirit apart from this but lately the only thing I want to do is The Seeker 2 and I am thinking of alot of new things to put in it...
FCY (First Comment, Yay!)
Nice now what you gotta say for yourself XD?