Okay well last week I finished my part for Incendation but couldn't be assed to brag about it lol, so yeah its done now its 25 seconds long and should do alright and Smotez said it was really good.
So yeah thats done and right now I am starting my next project, well pre planning it after I finish this short Halloween animation for my Deviant Art page. I am going to make The Seeker 2 again which is going to be completely re-done.
Such as first off the story will be alot more realistic, and the cammera wont be really zoomed in it will be basic size so you can see everything. Also a big difference the characters designs will be redone, just happens like this...
It continues right before Eldred get shots and before Jesus fires a flash ahppens which change the characters designs and new names and just imagine that it was always like that, the names are kinda important it reflects who they are.
Also a few scenes will have a parodies version of scnees from the original madness series so I am adding a little comedy I guess.
So this project wll be started soon today I just finished the sprites and below is The Saviour and The Seeker, the 2 main characters I have so far, enjoy :)...
lol no problem, what do you think of the new designs?