Well my flash shows av been doing good heer are the upcoming shows for 'Illingworth Productions'...
1). Super Smash Bash 60% done
2). Madness Orention *20% done*
3). Madness Jebus Revenge *0% done*
And in the main news Illingworth Productions is gunna star a Sonic Turbine like show its one of thosse shows like something from Arnas but im gunna star one of the originall sonic characters like Silver or Sonic, and gunna star characters from fans of sonci like mine and below is my 2 characters that im deffinetley gunna star in the show there names are Nanous & Surf enjoy the pic ^^)
Like i said, ill help u w/ anything bcuz ur my homie. and just a comment, I luv Empty Walls by Serj Tankian.
Thanks Max ur a gr8 friend and if U av a sprite character ill add him in the sonic show, the 2 above r mine