Unfortunatly I have had a long think about this and I am ending all my madness projects, long reasons really so sit back and get comfy and listen to me story.
Its like this I was happy to do Incendation 3 recently but after it I was working on The Seeker 2 and was expecting to get alot done, I got about 40 seconds done and more and alittle but got messed up so I lost 10 seconds. This is because my laptop is crap for animating and cant do ANYTHING!
I have flash for no other computers and just dont like it, and this is not the only reason. Over the last 2 years I trie my VERY VERY hardest to make something good, but ya know tis not like anymore cause peoples effort can be good but there is always a guy out there that says "its just the same", which opened my eyes and makes me see that most madness animations are just the same now. All it is is just a dude running killing gets killed ressurection kills bad guy end, but its boring now there are some very very good like Smotez, LittleluckyLink, Xionico and such.
But everyone is doing the same thing which can be good or bad and as for me its bad. Look I gave it my best I had fun, met some cool people, had a laugh but Madness is just a common thing now. I think from now on I am going to just test some new thing spossibly go back to sprites or try doing some drawing animations, we shall see. But Madness was fun but for now its all to the professionals not a tribute artist that does the same thing like most people here.
dude i totally see what your saying, but i think you should still stay on newgrounds and check out your own original ideas. Get stuff done, do some drawing animations like you said, post some tests and see if people like and shit. Your a great animator, dont stop cause you think that its getting old, do other and new things. create new, better, more fun possibilties. Get people likeing a new idea, and if it does come out great you know, maybe something big might happen and you could create mthis whole new series !! try it out :)
I am not elaving just ending my madness stuff, I just wanna try something different ya know