I finnaly got a sneak peak for for my Madness flash show, I am working hard and special thanks for xXsnowbladeXx for the VCAM, thanks a lot buddy It should be better with VCAM thanks a lot buddy. I dont know when the full show will be out I'm just working hard, I'm thinking it might be the end of January or sometime in Febuary, anyways enjoy the short clip...
Ok, first, Some of the animation was good, but some got choppy and messed up, like when that one body appeared.
And the V-Cam got fucked up, what you should have done, is at the very start, change the size of the cam by setting it to the same size as your stage in flash by going into it's properties tab and typing the sizes in. Then when you want to zoom it, I suggest that you select it, then hold down shift, then resize, that way it maintains the wideness and hight.
Also, fix up the walking a bit, make his head bob and his body tilt.
Otherwise pretty cool.
illingworthproducts (Updated )
Okay thanks for the heads up Ill see what I can do, I asked you becuaser your the only good animator I know