More on the Madness Orention News!!!
Okay everyone so its like this, 'Madness Orention' is going on great and the violance is getting better, the 1st cutscene has been done and the scenes are set... soooo it's deffinetley going to be done and released for the end of March. I still hav'nt got a deadline ready but it will eb done when its done and I am doing the best I can for you lot... just please enjoy it when it comes out, below there is another screenie of 'Agent.I' causing more madness to the poor guards...
My collab thiny majig!!!
Atlast I am in my 1st collab with 7IsUnlucky... and I hav'nt done much to it but I will when 'Madness Orention' is finishes, so stay tunes guys...
My Other Projects and stuth...
Madness Orention = 50% done
Sonic GX preview = 10% done
Madness Correlation Collab = 0% done
lol "thank u!" omfg bro ur killin me! XD anyways hope to see MO done, and the Sonic GX preview X3
Thanks bro ,Sonic GX will be awhile... I am 2 lazy to do it XD