View Profile illingworthproducts
Tra la la la la la Boned!

Age 32, Male

Paper Boy :)

Wyke College

Hull, England

Joined on 5/18/07

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illingworthproducts's News

Posted by illingworthproducts - March 6th, 2009

I am going to release it soon for the people who have already made there parts...

Thats all I am saying but I am going to make a post soon about my next project...

Posted by illingworthproducts - February 8th, 2009

Okay sorry for being gone for awhile... well along whiel but I have my reasons and they have totally fucked up my animating, my online time and all that shizzle.

You see my computer has fucking broke, it is total dead and I dont think we can do nothing to repair it unless we re-boot it which we may ahve to do. This means ill lose all my madness files and everything.

But worry not when I knew my comouet was going to brake I remembered to save all my madness files on some CD's so yeah I still have all of Incendation 2 collab parts, My madness show and characters so no need to worry.

But there is a problem lately I have holded everybody back from Incendation 2 cause I am not done and my laptop aint powerfull enough to have Flash, so I decided to take myself out of the collab and let Smotez be the responsible one for all the collab and its release.

I still need to send him the parts (which I will do soo) and take care of some other things, Gabriel finnaly got Ultimate Collab 3 out which was very good and thanks to him for letting me in.

As for my Nanous Anpithy I lost about all the work I worked on it since December (which was like 60% of the show was done) and I have lost all the sprites, thanks to my wonderful dead computer.

So now as usual Nanous Anpithy may be cancelled but I do have my reasons this time, but now the bigger problem is I dont have any ideas on what to do for a animation.

But I am going to continue Madness, and I promise that soon I will release my final edition to my Madness Animations and that will be for Madness Day 2009.

Thanks for reading and sorry to everyone for how much I have screwed up.

Posted by illingworthproducts - January 17th, 2009

Okay wel I havn't posted anything since last year so here it is...

Incendation 2 will be out sooon because I need to finish my part, and some others need to finish theres.

Nanous Anpithy is my main concern because I really want to get it done, I need some sprites tho mostly backgounds soo if you know any please tell me (not mystical forest zone).

ALSO I Am working on another project but I arn't revealing anything til I can get a good screenshot and work on it more.

So thats about it lol, take care...

FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations

Collab Partners
2:Smotez DONE!
3:The destructor 50% done
4:Spaderz DONE!
5:Gabriel Barsch DONE!
6:Kingapple 50% Done

People where thinking about joining
No one at the moment

And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez

And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is

Posted by illingworthproducts - December 19th, 2008

Well this year has been long na dfull of emotion, hard work, a little romance (lol), dissapointment and all that shizzle.

Incendation still not outbut I made a release date and ti will be out for Febuary if we all can actually be bothered and make sommet XD.

After Incendation I am ening my Madness reign cause I dont wanna do it anymore, at 1st I enjoyed it because of Orention but after it failed and was just ANOTHER copy of any Madness Cartoon, I decided to end all my Madness apart from Incendation.

Plue I wanna get to start working on some new things, Nanous Anpithy will be released in March hopefully and The Seeker 2 I will finish that for Madness Day next year, also I wanna start some other things like maybe a game or RPG series.

Anyways thats about it below is my requerments and shizzle and all I can say is...


FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations

Collab Partners
2:Smotez DONE!
3:The destructor
4:Spaderz DONE!
5:Gabriel Barsch DONE!
6:Kingapple 50% Dome

People where thinking about joining
No one at the moment

And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez

And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is

LOl thats about it this is a screen shot from Smotez for Incendation 2 enjoy...

Well what a year, Madness will be over for me and etc...

Posted by illingworthproducts - November 27th, 2008

Is actually anyone been working on Incendation?

No one has commented or sent me a message so no, I only have like 4 or 5 people that have sent me parts and this is ridiculous I am expecting that people should be done by now....


I do blame myself cause I havn't said much aswell but please some people have gotta start doing a little more, we are posting the animation next year now it looks like around Febuary time.

I want people to work alot harder now so I am going to send a message to you all, and I have made a release date now so work harder towards it...

FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations

Collab Partners
2:Smotez DONE!
3:The destructor
4:Spaderz DONE!
5:Gabriel Barsch DONE!

People where thinking about joining
No one at the moment

And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez

And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is


Okay will criek (I forgot to spell his name sorry ^^;) and Snowblade has left so we are down to 7 members, it REALLY looks like we will be done next year now cause we need another member and with his time well you know.

And Spaders if you read this PLEASE work on your parts a bit more cause I need them longer and abit better so please work on them.

No screen shot or anything so Ill send everyone a message now, I dont wanna be mean but I want to get this out of the way so I can finish The Seeker 2 and my other shizzle...

Posted by illingworthproducts - November 8th, 2008

At long last The Seeker will return in a my latest project Madness The Seeker 2, I am going to make this insane I am going to work my heart out on this one and I mean it, plus this will be the longest animation I will do.

The things I am going to out in are going to be new and the story and characters will be insane, so far I have done 12 seconds but this is the opening the Madness will start soon. And below is a screen shot since I love you lot LOL enjoy...


So far doing good we will have it ready for Christmas hopefully but we shall see...

FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations

Collab Partners
3:The destructor
5:Gabriel Barsch

People where thinking about joining
No one at the moment

And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez

And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is

Thats all for now heres the screenie of The Seeker 2 enjoy...

To the bigger image...

Madness The Seeker 2

Posted by illingworthproducts - October 29th, 2008

Okay its been awhile since we have been talking about Incendation, and to be honest that I havn't worked on any animations I just been working on different things at the moment. But I want to get this animation done for around Christmas time so come on everyone lets gwt this done as soon as we can...

FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations

Collab Partners
3:The destructor
5:Gabriel Barsch

People where thinking about joining
No one at the moment

And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez

And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is

Again no new screen shots of anything, and lately I have lost all Madness Spirit apart from this but lately the only thing I want to do is The Seeker 2 and I am thinking of alot of new things to put in it...

Posted by illingworthproducts - October 22nd, 2008

/* */
Watch this video it includes me and my mates doing what we do best :P

Please give a good rating and send to your friends =D

Posted by illingworthproducts - October 15th, 2008

Okay I guess Incendation 2 is back on track Smotez and Spaderz have made up I think but I want to start doing this collab now, there is still no release date yet I am thinking near christmas time or sommet but please read below...

FPS: 30 (Make sure its 30 FPS please!)
Frame Size: 550 width and 400 hieght
Time: 15 seconds - 30 seconds
Animations: Must be good and have alot of Madness and please make 2 or more Animations

Collab Partners
3:The destructor
5:Gabriel Barsch

People where thinking about joining

And if there is anynone that wants to join please ask Smotez

And if you got your parts finished send me them to my email address which is

No screenie yet and again I am finnaly making a Sprite project I am gettitng tired of always doing Madness and its getting old, I will still do Madness in the future but I am just working on Incendation2 for now. This new Sprite animation is going to be like a comedy hopefully and its going to have a cast of all the people from a forum named 'Killy Killy HQ' this is were I 1st started on forums and big sites , and I have been meaning to do them a animation for AGES and I have been planning a sprite movie since 2004 and now I think I got the idea.

But hopefully I will get it sorted out and thats all please join Incendation 2 and shizzle laterz...

Also a pic of me, 2 girls (me mates), 3 storm troopers and Darth Vader XD

Okay back to Incendation 2

Posted by illingworthproducts - October 5th, 2008

Okay listen hear I have heard that some people have left this collab due to a arguement with Smotez and Spaderz...

But listen to me now people I dont give a shit if this collab gets a 1st olace or not I made this collab so I could do sommet fun with my friends, but now I am gettin shit that Gabriel cant join, DJTrickyM is'nt joinin, Spaderz has been banned and all this shit...

I want answers and so far this collab will go no where till we get this sorted out I want this to be a good collab, some of you lot only think I am doing this collab for an award but thats what I thought along time ago..

I original did all my animations for awards but I dont care if I dont since Incendation 1, now untill I can get things sorted out this collab is put on hold and I dont wanna hear complaning about it...

I created this collab and some people think they own it more then I do but from now on if this collab continues I am in controll...

Thanks for reading sorry to the others that join this collab I will make it up to you